Opening hours

Lobo EL & Cotchei are two French rappers, internationally recognized for their improvisational talents and 2019 World Improv Rap Champions, the two artists offer slams, improvisations, and rap songs to highlight the exhibition.

They will be offering 2-hours sessions to school classes at the Konschthal. The program consists of: demonstrations, collective games around rhyme and rap writing, collective or individual writing of texts.

The aim is to make participants appreciate writing by getting inspired by the works of the exhibition Dis-placed to write their own texts and recite them at the end of the session. These sessions will be marked by collective work, mutual help and good humor.

This workshop is part of the exhibition Dis-placed and its questions about the “loss of a home”. After having made their music known in Ghana, Kazakhstan or many other European countries, the rappers will question the works present in relation to several issues: the link to their native land, encounters, whether they feel at home or not, all the topics that are being addressed in the works exhibited.

After the artists, let’s give a chance to young people to share their personal stories and experiences related to home and the loss of home.

Mediators: Lobo EL & Cotchei

Age: for secondary school classes (12+ years, 15+ years, 18+ years)

Languages: FR

Free of charge | | Subject to availability | Booking required via email hidden; JavaScript is required

Additional Info

  • Type Workshops
  • Audience Age 12-15, Age 15+
  • Duration From 8.30 am (allow at least 2 hours). Please specify the desired date and time when making your request.
  • Date 14.10, 15.10 or 16.10.2024