Opening hours

During this workshop, Alexandra Lichtenberger, costume and makeup artist, offers to explore your personal stories about what having a "home" means, as well as the fact of losing this important place. You will also be invited to project and imagine a home hoped for and desired in the future. By reflecting on our memories and visualizing our dreams for the future, we will create a work in the form of a hat-house, which illustrates the idea of the “roof over your head”.

Mediator: Alexandra Lichtenberger


  • Primary education Cycle 2-4 (6+ years)
  • Secondary 7e-5e and integration classes (12-15 years)

Labguages: LU, FR, DE, EN

Free of charge | | Subject to availability | Booking required via email hidden; JavaScript is required

Additional Info

  • Type Workshops
  • Audience Age 6-8, Age 8-12, Age 12-15
  • Duration From 8.30am, 3 sessions of 2 hours each
  • Date Monday to Friday between 28.09.2024 - 17.01.2025