Opening hours

Marine Fleury, artist and scenographer, invites you to step into the shoes of a model-making scenographer and director for an entire week.

Come and discover the fascinating aspects of these professions and build a model to imagine a surrealistic scenery, inspired by the works of the painter Titus Schade. By assembling everyday objects and cutouts from cardboard and images, you will create an optical illusion in space and spatial references. Finally, by filming a short clip within your model, you will be bringing your scenography to life!

All the material is provided by the Konschthal. Work clothes are recommended. Aprons are available on site.

Speaker: Marine Fleury (artist and set designer)

In collaboration with: Service Jeunesse Esch-sur-Alzette

Age: for teenagers 12+

Workshop over one week (everyday from 10am to 12am)

Free of charge | Subject to availability | Booking via SNJ or via inscriptions@konschthal required.

Additional Info