Do you wish to publish information about the Konschthal Esch ?
Download here press releases and kits. The documents are for press purposes only – every other use is not allowed. For any specific request, the Communication Department remains at your disposal.
- KH Dossier de presse Programmation ouverture
- KH Dossier de presse Expositions inaugurales
- KH Press kit Filip Markiewicz Instant Comedy
- KH Press kit Jeppe Hein Distance
- KH Press kit metalworks designing making
- KH Press kit Clegg Guttmann Rejected
- KH Press kit Pasha Rafiy People and Places
- KH Press kit Deimantas Narkevicius Anachronisms
- KH Press kit Julia Cottin Forêt de Juma
- KH Press kit Hsia Fei Chang Les jeux sont faits Rien ne va plus
- KH Press Kit Ben Greber Green Machine
- KH Press Kit Titus Schade TEKTONIK
- KH Press Kit Hisae Ikenaga Phantom Limbs
- KH Press Kit Vera Kox